Welcome Home Styling https://welcomehomestyling.com/ Sat, 04 May 2024 19:31:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://welcomehomestyling.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-Welcome-Home-Styling-Logo_black-16-32x32.png Welcome Home Styling https://welcomehomestyling.com/ 32 32 Interior Designers Studio: Experts Respond to Your Home Decorating Questions https://welcomehomestyling.com/inside-the-interior-designers-studio-your-questions-answered/ Fri, 03 May 2024 16:00:21 +0000 https://welcomehomestyling.com/?p=372767 Today we are diving in to answer all of your burning questions about working with interior designers and home decorating. Read to learn more!

The post Interior Designers Studio: Experts Respond to Your Home Decorating Questions appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.

Welcome Home Styling answers your home decorating questions

Inside the Interior Designer's Studio: Welcome Home Styling’s Experts Respond to Your Home Decorating Questions

Hello everyone, welcome back! In our last blog we discussed how Welcome Home Styling stands out among other interior designers, and our philosophy on design. If you haven’t read it, we definitely recommend checking it out!

You all provided great feedback and questions for us on our last blog. Today we are diving in to answer all of your burning questions about working with interior designers and home decorating.

We understand that the journey from envisioning to executing your dream space can be both thrilling and daunting. From deciphering your unique style to navigating the intricacies of budgeting and decision-making, we’ll explore the essential aspects that shape your interior design experience.

Question: How do you determine a client’s home decorating style and preferences?


Understanding your personal style is crucial to crafting a design with elements that reflect your individuality, and involves more than just asking your favorite color.

We start with the basics of asking for your Pinterest board or any inspiration photos that you have, to serve as a jumping off point for an in depth discussion.

During our concept meeting we explore what elements of these images resonate with you the most – whether it’s the color palette, patterns, textures, or materials used. By analyzing your existing decor, inspiration from your favorite designs, and observing your reactions to different styles, we can decipher your unique style and preferences.

Armed with the insights gathered from our discussions and the design questionnaire, we craft a concept board and space plans. The concept board serves as a visual representation of the design direction, incorporating elements such as color schemes, textures, and furniture styles that we feel best suit you.

Concurrently, we develop space plans to optimize the layout and functionality of the space, ensuring that every element is strategically placed to enhance both form and function.

Once the concept board and space plans are finalized and approved, we transition into the final design phase. This involves curating the specific items and materials that will bring the design to life. We leverage our expertise and industry connections to source high-quality furnishings, fabrics, fixtures, and accessories that align with the established design aesthetic and meet your preferences.

By following this process, we ensure that every design decision is rooted in a deep understanding of your style, preferences, and lifestyle. Our goal is to create a space that not only reflects your individuality but also enhances your everyday living experience.

Question: How much does an interior designer’s services typically cost?

Welcome Home Styling is an interior design firm located in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL that serves St. Johns and Duval counties. Interior designer’s services and prices may vary if you’re located outside of this area.

At Welcome Home Styling, we offer a range of home decorating and design services to fit your needs as well as your budget. Below is a list of the services we offer, what is included and a price range for that service.


Virtual Board

For clients seeking virtual design services, we offer a convenient and cost-effective solution through our virtual board fee. This fee typically ranges between $1500-$2500, depending on the size of the space and the number of items needed.

Virtual design allows clients to collaborate with our interior designers remotely, receiving curated design boards and recommendations tailored to their preferences that you can shop yourself.

Interior designer virtual board

Full-Service Design

Our full-service design option is ideal for clients who prefer a comprehensive approach to their project. The cost for full-service design is calculated based on various factors, including the size of the project, the services needed, the number of rooms involved, and the amount of main furnishings required. 

By assessing these factors, we determine a fixed fee price that encompasses all aspects of the design process, from conceptualization to implementation.


New Build and Renovation

For new build and renovation projects, the cost of services is influenced by the scope of work involved. These projects often require detailed planning and coordination to ensure seamless execution. 

Our interior designers create a spec book that outlines materials, lighting and plumbing placement, and all of these items mocked up to scale. While some clients may view this as an additional expense, the spec book serves as a crucial communication tool between designers and contractors, minimizing the risk of miscommunication and costly errors during the construction phase.

Following an initial interior design consultation, we provide our clients with a detailed proposal outlining the cost of services specific to their project. This proposal offers transparency and clarity regarding the anticipated costs associated with their scope of work. By presenting clients with a comprehensive breakdown of expenses, we empower them to make informed decisions about their investment in home interior design services.

Here is an example of a page from our spec book.
Here we have an example page from Welcome Home Stylings spec book.

Question: What factors influence the cost of an interior design project?

There are lots of factors that influence the cost of a home interior design project including the scope of the project, how much customization you’d like, the quality of materials and finishes you select, the cost of labor for your interior designers as well as construction professionals, your project’s timeline, any unforeseen challenges, as well as upgrades you’d like to make to your project. 

Let’s take a look at each more in depth. 

Scope of the Project

The scale and complexity of the project play a significant role in determining the overall cost. Larger spaces or projects that require extensive renovations, structural modifications, or customizations typically incur higher expenses compared to smaller, straightforward design endeavors.

Level of Customization

Customized features, furnishings, and finishes often come with a premium price tag. If you opt for bespoke furniture, tailored cabinetry, or unique architectural details, expect to allocate a larger portion of your budget to accommodate these personalized elements.

Quality of Materials and Finishes

The quality and selection of materials and finishes can significantly impact project costs. Premium materials such as marble, hardwood, and designer fabrics command higher prices than their standard counterparts. Additionally, factors like durability, sustainability, and maintenance requirements should be considered when choosing materials to ensure long-term value.

Labor and Professional Fees

The expertise and experience of the design team, contractors, and tradespeople involved in the project will influence labor costs. Highly skilled professionals may command higher fees, but their expertise can also ensure superior craftsmanship and project outcomes.

Timeline and Project Schedule

The time frame allotted for the project can influence costs in several ways. Tight deadlines may necessitate overtime or expedited shipping for materials, increasing expenses. Conversely, longer timelines may incur additional holding costs for warehouse storage, or temporary accommodations during renovations/new construction.

Unforeseen Challenges and Contingencies

Despite meticulous planning, unforeseen challenges such as structural issues, code compliance requirements, or supply chain disruptions can arise during the course of a project. Allocating a contingency fund to address these unexpected expenses is essential for mitigating risk and ensuring that the project stays on track.

Client Preferences and Upgrades

Client preferences and desired upgrades can also impact project costs. Requests for additional features, additional design revisions, or premium upgrades may incur additional expenses beyond the initial project scope. Clear communication and collaboration between the client and interior designers is crucial for managing expectations and budgetary constraints.

This is a 3d rendering of the design for a client’s living room.
This is a 3d rendering of the design for a client’s living room.

Question: How involved will I be in the decision-making process?

We believe that your input is invaluable every step of the way, ensuring that the final design reflects your unique style and meets your expectations.

Our journey together begins with an in-depth interior design consultation where we encourage you to share your inspirations, preferences, and any specific requirements you have for your space. This initial discussion sets the foundation for our collaboration and guides the direction of the design and home decorating process.

Throughout the design journey, we maintain open lines of communication to keep you informed and involved in the decision-making process. Whether it’s through in-person meetings, virtual presentations, or email correspondence, we ensure that you have ample opportunities to provide feedback, ask questions, and share your thoughts on proposed design concepts with your interior designers.

Once we’ve developed a tailored design concept based on our discussions and your input, we’ll present our vision to you for review. This presentation is an exciting moment where you’ll see our ideas come to life through visual representations and material samples. We’ll walk you through each aspect of the design, explaining the rationale behind our choices and how they align with your vision.

After the design presentation, you’ll have the opportunity to approve or decline each element of the proposed design. Our streamlined approval process makes it easy for you to provide feedback and make decisions. Whether you’re thrilled with every detail or have specific revisions in mind, your input guides our next steps.

If revisions are requested, we’ll work closely with you to refine the design until it perfectly captures your vision. Whether it’s adjusting color palettes, exploring alternative furniture options, or tweaking layout configurations, we’re committed to ensuring that the final design surpasses your expectations.

By actively involving you in the decision-making process and prioritizing your vision at every stage, we ensure a collaborative and rewarding design experience that results in a space you’ll love to call home.

Question: How do interior designers balance aesthetics with functionality?

The first step in achieving this balance is gaining a thorough understanding of the client’s lifestyle, habits, and preferences. As interior designers we’re trained to identify the specific functional requirements of the space, such as seating arrangements, storage needs, traffic flow, and any special considerations like pet-friendly or child-safe features.


Space Planning

Effective space planning is essential for optimizing functionality without compromising aesthetics. We carefully analyze the layout and flow of the space to maximize efficiency and usability while maintaining a visually appealing arrangement.

Welcome Home Styling creates space plans just like this one to map out your home for perfect flow.

Multipurpose Solutions

One approach to balancing aesthetics with functionality is to incorporate multipurpose elements and flexible design solutions. For example, furniture pieces with built-in storage compartments or convertible features can maximize space utilization without sacrificing style. Additionally, versatile furnishings that can adapt to different uses or configurations add value and practicality to the design.


Performance Materials

Selecting high-quality, durable materials is key to ensuring both longevity and aesthetic appeal in interior design. Performance fabrics, for instance, offer the best of both worlds by combining stylish design with practical benefits such as stain resistance, easy maintenance, and durability against wear and tear. Choosing materials that can withstand the demands of daily use ensures that the space remains functional and attractive for years to come.

Here are several swatched on fabrics that welcome home styling is using for a client.

Question: What software or tools do you use for designing and presenting concepts to clients?


In today’s digital age, interior designers harness the power of advanced visualization tools to translate ideas into tangible, immersive experiences. At Welcome Home Styling we leverage software and technology to streamline the design process and enhance client communication.


Design Files

Our main design software, “Design Files,” serves as the cornerstone of our creative process. This intuitive platform allows our team to bring your vision to life with clarity. With its user-friendly interface and interactive features, Design Files allows clients to visualize their space in detail, making informed decisions and providing feedback with ease.

This virtual board lays out all the items needed for a room and where to buy them.


AutoCAD is an industry-standard software used for architectural drafting and design that enables us to create detailed floor plans and elevations with unparalleled accuracy. By mockup up furnishings and materials to scale within AutoCAD, we can precisely visualize spatial arrangements and ensure optimal functionality.

This is an example of a design in Autocad.

Question: How do you ensure projects stay on schedule and within budget?

At Welcome Home Styling, our experienced interior designers understand the importance of adhering to schedules and budgets to deliver the best outcome for our clients. To achieve this, we implement project management processes and maintain clear communication channels throughout the design journey.


Weekly Recap Emails

Communication is key to keeping everyone on the same page. That’s why we provide our clients with a weekly recap email outlining the progress made during the week and detailing the upcoming milestones and next steps in the project. This ensures that our clients are informed at every stage.


Shipping Updates for Full-Service Furnishings

For full-service furnishings projects, we go the extra mile to streamline the installation process. We provide weekly shipping updates, allowing clients to anticipate when their items are set to arrive at our warehouse. This proactive approach enables us to schedule installation days efficiently and minimize downtime, ensuring a seamless and swift transformation of your space.


Budget Calculator

We understand the importance of staying within budget without compromising on quality or design integrity. After our initial interior design consultation, where you provide us with an overall budget target, we input this information into our budget calculator. This tool allows us to curate a selection of items and design elements that align with your budget constraints. We prioritize transparency by showing you items that fit within your designated budget range, empowering you to make informed decisions about where to allocate your resources.


Client Approval Process

Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our top priorities. That’s why no items are ordered without your final approval. Before making any purchases, we present you with a detailed breakdown of the proposed selections, including pricing information and any potential alternatives.

This collaborative approach ensures that you have full control over the expenditure and allows us to adjust the design plan as needed to accommodate your preferences and budgetary considerations.


Question: How do you handle unexpected challenges or changes during the project?

Flexibility and adaptability are key qualities in navigating the dynamics of interior design.

While unexpected challenges are a natural part of any construction or renovation project, we take proactive steps to minimize their impact. Our comprehensive spec books outline every detail of the design, from materials and finishes to furniture and fixtures, providing a roadmap for seamless execution.

Additionally, we work closely with contractors and tradespeople, fostering a relationship where challenges can be addressed and resolved efficiently. By anticipating potential hurdles, we ensure a smooth and streamlined design experience from concept to completion.


Question: Can I buy an item myself if I find it for less money and it looks similar to what the interior design plan specified?

Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we understand the allure of finding budget-friendly alternatives. However, it’s important to recognize that sourcing items independently can disrupt the cohesiveness of the meticulously curated design we’ve crafted for you.

When clients take it upon themselves to source items, it can introduce inconsistencies in quality, style, and aesthetic, ultimately undermining the cohesive look and feel we’ve worked so hard to achieve.

Remember, you’ve entrusted us with the task of bringing your vision to life. With our full-service design approach, we leverage our expertise and industry connections to procure unique, high-quality pieces that are exclusive to the trade. These items often offer superior craftsmanship, design, and durability compared to mass-produced consumer goods available online.

If budget considerations are a priority for you, we offer alternative solutions such as Virtual Shopping Boards. These boards showcase carefully curated selections of budget-friendly alternatives or “dupes” that align with your aesthetic preferences and financial constraints. By working within this framework, we can maintain the integrity of the design while accommodating your budgetary needs.

A beautiful living room designed by Welcome Home Styling

Your Home Interior Design and Home Decorating Questions Answered by the Experts

At Welcome Home Styling, we’re more than just an interior design firm; we’re your partners in creating beautiful spaces that reflect your unique style and enhance your daily life. From deciphering your inspirations to managing budgets and timelines, our process is built on collaboration, transparency, and attention to detail.

With tailored solutions to fit various budgets and project scopes, we ensure exceptional value and quality every step of the way. Our commitment to excellence means navigating challenges with agility and delivering seamless installations that exceed expectations.

Ready to embark on your design journey? At Welcome Home Styling we’re dedicated to bringing your vision to life, whether it’s a small refresh or a major transformation.

Contact us today for a free phone consultation. Let’s turn your dreams into reality, together. Welcome home.


The post Interior Designers Studio: Experts Respond to Your Home Decorating Questions appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.

Welcome Home Styling Stands Out Among Interior Design Firms https://welcomehomestyling.com/welcome-home-styling-stands-out-among-interior-design-firms/ Tue, 27 Feb 2024 20:55:24 +0000 https://welcomehomestyling.com/?p=372594 In this blog we will talk about what makes Welcome Home Styling, an interior design firm located in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, standout from other full service interior design firms

The post Welcome Home Styling Stands Out Among Interior Design Firms appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.


Interior design has become an increasingly popular and sought-after service in recent years, reflecting a growing awareness of the impact that a well-designed space can have on our lives. The field of interior design involves creating aesthetically pleasing and functional environments within a given space, whether it’s a home, office, or commercial setting.

In this blog we will talk about what makes Welcome Home Styling, an interior design firm located in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, stand out from other full service interior design firms.

Welcome Home Styling’s Philosophy on Design


At Welcome Home Styling our mission is to create beautiful homes for our clients that become the backdrop of their lives. We strive to create spaces that are visually enticing with texture, color, and details that you’ll fall in love with.

We are honored by the trust that our clients impart to us to select nursery furniture as they welcome a new baby, or design a kitchen where the family will gather together for meals and special occasions. Many experiences take place in our homes and it’s our privilege and promise to design a beautiful, unique space that you’ll love to come home to.

At Welcome Home Styling there are 3 C’s that guide our decisions and actions in every design project we bring to life. You can call them our core values.


We’re great listeners! During our consultation, we’ll listen as you tell us about your needs, your ideas, and your inspiration. Then, we’ll communicate with you about your project every step of the way.


Customer Service

We’re here for you! There’s a lot that goes into a design project but rest assured we are here to take away the stress of the design process. We strive to provide exceptional customer service that makes you feel special and at ease throughout the project.



We believe collaboration is key. It’s our goal to bring your unique style to life throughout your project while offering unique design elements to enhance your space. If you picked us out of all of the designers out there, it’s because you love our work and trust that we know what we are doing.

Feedback and collaboration are always of the utmost importance to us but it’s also important to trust the process and let us do what we do best

Jessica Woodward interior designer at Welcome Home Styling puts the finishing touches on a room.

Welcome Home Styling Interior Design Services


It’s not every day that you hire an interior designer, so the differences in services provided at one interior design firm to another may be easily misunderstood. We offer full-service interior design for people who want assistance with everything from start to finish. We also offer assistance with new home builds and renovations. 

We offer digital design for people not located in Duval County or St, Johns County, FL, or those who prefer to shop for themselves. Last but not least, consultations are the perfect way to kickstart your project. 

We have access to resources that are not available to the public in which we can curate a unique look just for your space.


Full-Service Interior Design


This living room underwent a transformation by the Welcome Home Styling Interior Design team in Nocatee, Florida.

From concept to completion, our team will handle it all including working with your builder and contractors. Our Full-Service Design starts with a consultation. From here we schedule a measurement day. Measurement day is on a separate day from the consultation so you’ll have our full undivided attention during your consultation.

Once we have all the information we need, we get to work on a concept presentation to give an overview of what we are envisioning for your space. Our concept review call can be done virtually and only takes about 30 minutes or so. Once we have your feedback, we get to work on the finalized design.

Our final design entails spatial planning such as floor plans for furniture layouts, wall treatments mocked up in AutoCAD for the contractors, and detailed selections down to the hardware and coffee table books. This process can take up to two weeks to complete.

Once we have all of our selection samples for your home in hand, we will set up a time to meet with you in person to discuss the design by walking you through our thought process, letting you see and touch the samples that we are pitching and address any questions you may have for us.

This is a 3d rendering of the design for a client’s living room.
This is a 3d rendering of a design for a client's dining room.

After the selections are approved, we’ll prepare a purchase order for you to sign off on before we place the orders. The ordering process can take a while depending on the inventory and availability of items.

Most of the furnishings and products we order come from trade vendors that sell exclusively to interior designer companies. This means more selection for our clients and a variety of unique products not available directly to consumers.

Installation day is an exciting and crucial phase in the interior design process. It’s the day when all the planning and design concepts come to life as your space is transformed! Our team will arrive with all of the necessary tools, equipment, and materials needed.

We ask that our clients remove the old furnishings that are not being incorporated into the new design so that we have a fresh clean slate to work with. Furniture and decor items for your project will be carefully unpacked and assembled.

The design team will meticulously go over every detail ensuring that each element is in its proper place and that the overall design concept is executed flawlessly. Once the installation is complete, we will conduct a walkthrough of the space with you and discuss any care instructions for specific items or address any concerns.

Our team will handle the cleanup by removing any packaging materials, debris, or tools that were used during the installation.

New Home Builds and Renovations Interior Design

If you’re purchasing or building a new home, the thought of making it both functional enough to meet your needs and also fashionable enough to meet your design aesthetic can be very overwhelming. Even if you’ve lived in your home for years and want to renovate, knowing the house like the back of your hands doesn’t necessarily make this task any less of a monumental undertaking. In these cases, we can provide some clarity and offer ideas to help bring your space together.

Is hiring an interior design firm necessary when building a new home? New builds and renovations are an investment, you are making permanent changes to the spaces where you live your everyday life so there is a lot on the line here.

While adding another expense on the front end seems excessive, we can help save you time, money, and endless headaches by guiding you through the process from start to finish.

Our new build and renovation process is very similar to our full service design offering and is suited for those who are seeking comprehensive support from us from start to finish with new builds, remodels, and renovation projects (which can include furnishing & decorating once construction is completed).

Our team will work with the contractor and architect on all aspects of the project, as well as help with selections of tile, flooring, paint, etc. Our renovations and new build package will also include a Spec Book which is the holy grail of your construction documents. We detail everything such as tile selection, grout colors, direction and pattern that it will be laid, how high your light fixtures will be hung, and more. All items will be input into AutoCAD for a visual that is to scale and encompasses all of your details.

Digital Interior Design


Our Digital Interior Design service is the perfect solution for individuals who want professional design guidance and direction for their space but prefer to take charge of ordering and styling the products themselves. You will receive a customized design board, product recommendations, layout, and space planning, and design guidelines to help you execute the plan effectively.

Whether you’re revamping a room in your home, or planning a full home makeover, our Digital Interior Design service offers you design expertise and personalized recommendations without the need for an on-site designer. We can help you make your home feel “finished” and the rooms feel tied together with this service.

An example of a digital design board Welcome Home Styling created for a client.
Another example of the beautiful digital design board provided to a client by Welcome Home Styling.

Interior Design Consultations


Our one-hour interior design consultation meeting is a valuable opportunity to connect with your designers and gain initial insights and advice for your project. No matter what service you select, we always start with a consultation.

In preparation for your consultation, we ask that you think about whether you want to tackle these projects yourself or if you want us to take on all aspects. This will help us determine what service of ours will best suit your needs. We will discuss the project room(s), your design preferences and style, functionality, and any specific challenges or concerns you may have.

We will briefly touch on the budget to ensure that our recommendations align with your goals. We will discuss our initial design ideas such as color schemes, layout ideas, and overall design direction, and help answer any questions you may have about our design process from start to finish. After the consultation, we will provide a scope of work proposal and contract for you to review.


Hire Welcome Home Styling Interior Design Firm

Welcome Home Styling offers a range of services that can be tailored to each client’s needs – from simple finishing touches, to assistance with a new build or renovation.

We take the time to understand your needs, relieve the stress of taking on a new project, and help you save time. We have the expertise, experience, and resources needed to help you create the home of your dreams.


*Disclaimer – Hiring Welcome Home Styling may result in you becoming a homebody, and/or the hostess with the mostest.

The post Welcome Home Styling Stands Out Among Interior Design Firms appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.

The Advantages of Hiring an Interior Designer vs. Havenly https://welcomehomestyling.com/the-advantages-of-hiring-an-interior-designer-vs-havenly/ Mon, 05 Feb 2024 18:27:17 +0000 https://welcomehomestyling.com/?p=372565 Learn the benefits of hiring an interior designer over online decorating companies such as Havenly and choose which is right for you.

The post The Advantages of Hiring an Interior Designer vs. Havenly appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.


In a world where convenience often trumps tradition, the realm of interior design has seen a shift towards virtual platforms offering online decorating services. However, the allure of having a professional interior designer curate your living space goes far beyond the digital realm.

In this blog, we will dive into the undeniable benefits of hiring a full-service interior designer over opting for the seemingly efficient but sometimes impersonal approach of online decorating companies such as Havenly interior design. Keep reading to learn the pros and cons of each service so that you can make the choice that is right for you.

What is Havenly?


Havenly is an online design service similar to Modsy that creates digital room designs for you based on your answers to a brief survey. They give you a shopping list of things to purchase to create the look on your own.


What is Welcome Home Styling?


Welcome Home Styling is a full-service interior design firm located in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. Unlike online design companies like Havenly, we offer full-service interior design, full-service renovations, and new build design, as well as fully curated shoppable digital design boards for clients who want convenience and personable designs. No matter your needs, we are here to help!

If you’re searching the internet for an interior designer near me or an interior decorator near me, Welcome Home Styling is a perfect choice for anyone in the greater Jacksonville, FL metro area and people who live in St. Johns county Florida too.

From conceptualization to execution, we ensure that every element seamlessly integrates into the overall aesthetic, creating a harmonious and cohesive environment. This attention to detail is often challenging to replicate through mainstream online services that may lack a comprehensive understanding of your space and how your space functions on a day-to-day basis.

This beautiful modern coastal bedroom designed by Welcome Home Styling features a light blue accent wall and a neutral off white bed for a clean look.

Online Interior Design Services


There are a ton of online interior design services available now: Havenly, Decorilla, Modsy, Stucco, roomLift, and the list goes on. Many people seek out e-design services because of their convenience. You don’t need to find someone in your area, or meet anyone in person – all you need is an internet connection. For those with jam-packed schedules, this can be attractive.

These online design services have customers start by taking photos and measurements of their rooms. Some then have you take a short generic style quiz to indicate your preferences. The service then forwards all this information to their designers, whom you’ve never had a face-to-face conversation with, and sends you back a digital mockup of your space with a shopping list.

That all sounds great, right? It seems like a fast way to get a new look for your home without even having to leave your desk. But unfortunately, the convenience does come at a price – and sometimes using these online interior design services will leave you with more work instead of less.

After reading Havenly reviews and the reviews of other online design services, we noticed a lot of downsides and frustrated customers. The most common negative review of Havenly design services is limited personalization.

Havenly interior design’s website advertises that it has created over 100,000+ designs. It’s easy to see that they are focused more so on quantity versus quality. Many customers feel that designs produced by online interior design services are not tailored to their specific needs for the space and preferences, and may not fully reflect their style.

Although one of the selling points of online services such as Havenly is that they’re faster than traditional businesses, many customers have complained about long waits in between rounds of feedback, some people wait as long as up to 30 days.

Online interior decorator services often have partnerships with specific brands and vendors, meaning that customers may have limited options when it comes to selecting furniture and decor for their space. And if those are sold out or back ordered… you’re out of luck!

So if you are expecting a personalized and expert approach to designing your space that truly reflects your style and needs fluidly and cohesively, hiring a professional interior decorator is the better option.


Welcome Home Styling Offers Digital Design Services


While Welcome Home Styling offers full-service designs for clients who are looking for us to take on all of the elements of their design process such as ordering, project management, and installation, we also offer virtual design board services!

Welcome Home Styling’s Virtual design, also known as digital design, is the perfect solution for individuals who want professional design guidance and direction for their space with the personalization and experience of an interior designer but prefer to take charge of ordering and styling the products themselves.

This digital design was created for a client who wanted to revamp their master bedroom. It shows furniture selections and arrangements of how everything will be placed in the space so the client can see the vision for the room.<br />

First, Welcome Home Styling offers a one-hour interior design consultation meeting is a valuable opportunity to connect with your designers and gain initial insights and advice for your project. No matter what interior design service you select (Virtual Board, Full Service, or New Build/Renovation) we always start with a consultation. This allows for more personalized service.

During the consultation we will discuss the project room(s), your design preferences and style, functionality, and any specific challenges or concerns you may have. We will briefly touch on the budget to ensure that our recommendations align with your goals. We will discuss our initial interior design ideas such as color schemes, layout ideas, and overall design direction, and help answer any questions you may have about our design process from start to finish.

From there, we will schedule a “measurement day” when we come and get all the measurements needed for spatial planning and furnishing selections. This is scheduled at a separate time after the consultation so that we can give you our full and undivided attention, without having to rush through your vision and try and measure your space(s) at this time.

Welcome Home Styling created this Living Room digital design board for a client who wanted to freshen up the interior design of their living room.

Once we have all of this information, we get to work on the design of your space. Designing your space entails spatial planning such as floor plans for furniture layouts, and detailed selections down to the hardware and coffee table books. There is a lot that goes into the interior design process so this can take up to 2 weeks to get you a finalized presentation. We will set up a virtual meeting to discuss with you the design and how we envision the execution of the items listed.

Whether you’re revamping a room in your home, or planning a full home makeover, our Virtual Design service offers you interior decorating expertise and personalized recommendations.

Similar to an online service like Havenly interior design, you will receive a customized design board, product list, along with spatial planning, and design guidelines to help you execute the plan effectively, with the added personalization that Havenly and other online interior design companies lack.

A beautiful bedroom designed by Welcome Home Styling also shows the glowing testimonial from the homeowner.
An example of a digital design board Welcome Home Styling created for a client.
Another example of the beautiful digital design board provided to a client by Welcome Home Styling.

Elevate Your Space with the Help of a Professional Interior Designer


As we wrap up our exploration of interior design options, it’s evident that the choice between hiring a local interior designer or interior decorator and utilizing an online decorating service like Havenly interior design depends on individual preferences, priorities, and the desired outcome for your living space. While both options offer unique advantages, there’s a compelling case for the benefits of entrusting your project to a full-service interior designer.

One of the standout advantages of working with a local interior designer near me is the personalized touch they bring to the table. Unlike online platforms, full-service designers offer face-to-face interactions, creating a collaborative and intimate design experience. This personal touch allows for a deeper understanding of your lifestyle, taste, and aspirations, resulting in a space that truly reflects your personality.

The hands-on collaboration, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering a tailored experience contribute to a final result that exceeds expectations. The expertise of a full-service interior designer ensures that every element in your space is carefully curated, creating a home that is not only visually stunning but also functional and reflective of your unique style.

If this sounds like the best fit for you, we would love to hear more about your project! Welcome Home Styling’s digital design services are available to everyone no matter your location.

Our full-service interior design services are for people located in the Jacksonville, Florida area and St. Johns county area including Nocatee, St. Augustine, Ponte Vedra Beach, and Sawgrass. Click the link below to send us a message regarding your interior design project. We can’t wait to meet you.

Let’s Get Started!

The gorgeous bedroom features a classic board and batten accent wall along with a ceiling treatment.

The post The Advantages of Hiring an Interior Designer vs. Havenly appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.

Embrace Simplicity: A Guide to Minimalist Christmas Decor and More https://welcomehomestyling.com/minimalist-christmas-decor-and-more/ Mon, 27 Nov 2023 18:41:13 +0000 https://welcomehomestyling.com/?p=372522 In this guide to minimalist Christmas decor, we pare down, decorate with intention, and create a clutter-free holiday atmosphere. Learn More!

The post Embrace Simplicity: A Guide to Minimalist Christmas Decor and More appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.


As the holiday season approaches, many of us find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of festivities, gift-giving, and decorating. While the sights and sounds of Christmas can be enchanting, there’s a growing trend that encourages us to slow down, breathe, and find beauty in simplicity. Welcome to our guide to minimalist Christmas decor, where we explore the art of paring down, decorating with intention, and creating a serene and clutter-free holiday atmosphere.

In this blog, we will take you on a journey through the world of minimalist Christmas decor, exploring various aspects of holiday design, from the mantel above the fireplace to the iconic Christmas tree, all the way to the artful Christmas tablescapes. 

We will also dive into the latest color trends, helping you choose the perfect palette for your minimalist holiday haven. Plus, we’ll share some delightful DIY projects that allow you to infuse your unique creativity into your festive decor.

Minimalist Christmas Decor

The concept of minimalist Christmas decor has gained popularity for its ability to bring simplicity and elegance to your home during the most wonderful time of the year. The idea behind minimalism is that “less is more,” focusing on quality over quantity and creating a serene, clutter-free holiday atmosphere.

Select a Calm Color Palette:

Opt for a subdued color scheme with a neutral tone. This will create a soothing backdrop for your decorations.

This year, Christmas color palettes are undergoing a delightful transformation, moving away from the traditional and vibrant red and green hues that have long defined the holiday season. Instead, there is a notable shift towards a deep, moody, warm, and neutral color palette that prioritizes texture and coziness. 

This evolution in Christmas color trends reflects a desire for a more relaxed and inviting holiday atmosphere, inviting us to celebrate the season in a fresh, yet familiar way.

In 2023, muted and moody neutrals are taking center stage, replacing the bright and bold colors of Christmases past. Shades like warm taupe, deep charcoal, soft grays, and rich cocoa are becoming the new backdrop for holiday decor. These hues bring a sense of calm and sophistication to our festive celebration.

Texture is a key element of this year’s Christmas color palette shift. Velvets, chunky knit fabrics, rustic wood, textured ornaments, and natural elements like dried oranges are making their presence known. These textures create depth and visual interest in the decor, giving your home a cozy and tactile appeal.

Streamlined Christmas Tree:

Start by choosing a compact Christmas tree that fits well within your living space. This could be a pencil tree or a slender version that doesn’t overwhelm the room. Consider artificial Christmas trees for their durability and ease of storage.

In embracing the concept of a streamlined Christmas tree, you not only create a visually pleasing holiday focal point but also cultivate a sense of simplicity and intentionality in your festive decorations.

Natural Elements:

Embracing a minimal Christmas decor theme with natural elements can bring a sense of tranquility and simplicity to your holiday ambiance. Incorporate natural elements like pinecones, branches, and dried oranges. These add a touch of nature’s beauty without overwhelming the space.

Integrate pinecones into your decor for an earthy and rustic touch. Scatter them on tabletops, shelves, or even use them as part of a centerpiece. You can also tie them with twine and hang them from the tree as ornaments.

Bring the outdoors in by incorporating branches into your decor. Place them in vases or jars for a minimalist yet striking centerpiece. Consider using bare branches or those with minimal foliage for a clean and understated look.

Dried oranges not only add a pop of color but also emit a delightful citrus aroma. String them together to create a natural Christmas garland for the tree or hang them individually as ornaments. You can also place dried orange slices in bowls as table decorations or use them to adorn Christmas wreaths. DIY dried oranges by slicing them thinly and baking or air-drying for a simple and cost-effective approach.

Simplified Wreaths and Garlands:

Select wreaths and garlands with minimalistic designs. A simple, eucalyptus or berry wreath can make a striking statement on your front door or above the fireplace. Velvet bows are trending this year, so consider adding a simplified velvet bow to your Christmas wreath for an elevated look. 

Few but Meaningful Christmas Decor:

Rather than covering every surface with ornaments, choose a few cherished and meaningful decorations and add some curated and complementary ornaments to accentuate.

Candles and Soft Lighting:

Enhance the cozy atmosphere with natural-toned candles and simple holders. Choose unscented candles to maintain a clean and uncomplicated aesthetic. Place them in wooden or metallic holders for added warmth. Consider arranging them in clusters of varying heights. 

Minimalist Christmas decor is not about depriving yourself of the joy of the holiday season but rather about finding beauty in simplicity. By focusing on quality, meaningful decorations, and a clutter-free environment, you can create a space that not only looks beautiful but also allows you to truly appreciate the magic of Christmas. This “less is more” approach can provide a refreshing and serene holiday experience for you and your loved ones.

Decorating the Mantel

Photo Credit: @briahammelinteriors

Photo Credit: @thebroadmoorhouse

Decorating a mantel with simplicity can create a clean, elegant, and uncluttered look while still infusing the space with the charm of the holiday season. A common question we are asked is, “How do I decorate the mantel for Christmas?” Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to decorate a mantel with simplicity:

Step 1: Clear the Mantel

Start with a clean slate by removing any existing decorations or clutter from the mantel. This provides a fresh canvas for your simple and uncluttered decor.

Step 2: Add a Minimalist Wreath or Christmas Garland

Select a minimalist wreath or garland that aligns with your color scheme. Look for options with clean lines, minimal embellishments, and a simple design. You can even opt for a real eucalyptus or pine garland for a fresh touch.

Step 3: Have a Single Focal Point

Choose one standout focal point for your mantel. This could be a large piece of artwork, a mirror, or a simple holiday sign that complements your decor. Keep it clean and uncluttered, with no excessive ornamentation.

Step 4: Hang Minimalist Stockings

If you hang stockings, opt for simple, monochromatic stockings that match your color scheme. You can choose stockings with minimal or no embellishments to maintain the simplicity.

Step 5: Select Minimal Decorations

Resist the urge to overcrowd the mantel with decorations. Select a few carefully chosen items that adhere to your color scheme and overall minimalist aesthetic. These could include a few ornaments, simple figurines, or decorative vases.

Step 6: Use Seasonal Art

Consider adding seasonal art or a framed holiday print that complements your minimalist decor style. If you have a frame tv this is the perfect time to switch up your artwork to something festive.



Setting the Perfect Christmas Decor Tablescape

The art of setting the perfect Christmas tablescape goes beyond mere arrangement of plates and cutlery; it’s about crafting a memorable dining experience for your loved ones. This is where you create an ambiance that enhances the joy of gathering with friends and family. 

Begin with a Thoughtful Color Palette

Choosing a color palette theme for your Christmas tablescape can provide a cohesive and visually pleasing look. Consider the style and ambiance you wish to convey when selecting your theme.

Elegant Table Linens

Start with a clean and crisp tablecloth or runner. Opt for whites, neutrals, or soft shades to create a sophisticated and timeless backdrop for your setting. Linen or cotton materials can add a touch of luxury.

Layered Place Settings

Layering is key to an elegant tablescape. Begin with charger plates as a base, followed by dinner plates, salad plates, and bowls. Choose elegant and timeless dinnerware that complements your theme and color palette.

Understated Centerpiece

Create an understated and tasteful centerpiece that doesn’t overwhelm the table. A simple floral arrangement, a cluster of candles, or a collection of natural elements like pinecones, greenery, and berries can be elegant choices.

Napkin Presentation

Fold napkins in an artistic or decorative manner or use napkin rings to add a refined touch. Consider incorporating cloth napkins for a more luxurious feel.

This Board and Batten wood paneling extends halfway up the wall and is painted a dark green color. The rest of the wall is in a neutral beige.
This timeless master bedroom accent wall gives the room a focal point.

Ambient Lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood. Candles, especially pillar candles or taper candles, provide a warm and intimate glow. 

Keep It Practical

While elegance is important, don’t forget about practicality. Ensure that your guests have enough space and that the setting is comfortable for dining.

Creating the perfect Christmas tablescape is an artful endeavor that requires attention to detail and a sense of balance. By curating an elegant and understated setting, you not only elevate the dining experience but also set the stage for memorable moments and meaningful connections during the holiday season. Your guests will appreciate the thought and effort you put into making their holiday meal a special occasion.


Christmas Ornaments: DIY Projects

I don’t know about you, but personally I have been obsessing over the velvet and the faux pottery-looking Christmas ornaments this year. However, I can’t bring myself to justify paying $40-100 for a single pack of them. 

So what do you do when you want to be boujee on a budget? You head to Hobby Lobby, roll up your sleeves and make them yourself! I will say, from experience, you may want to wear gloves while doing this project because it does get messy.


  • Hobby Lobby Glass Ball Christmas Ornaments (You can also recycle old glass ornaments if you want to repurpose them)
  • Folk Art acrylic paint 
    • 467 Italian Sage
    • 449 Olive Green
    • 940 Coffee Bean
    • 472 Mushroom
    • 879 Linen Toile
    • 6462 Iced Coffee
    • Baking Soda
    • Paint Sponge
    • Paint Brush
    • Rub & Buff European Gold


Start by mixing a 1:1 ratio of acrylic paint and baking soda and mix until you get a thick consistency. Paint the entire ornament and let it dry completely. 

Next, you’ll take your next color, mix a 1 baking soda: 2 part acrylic paint, and dab this on with your sponge. 

While the paint is still wet, this is crucial, sprinkle baking soda over the ornaments and continue dabbing on with that same sponge. This is going to build that texture and give you the white faux terracotta look you want. 

I set these aside while they dried completely and I took my ornament caps and painted them with Rub & Buff European Gold. 

Once completed you can assemble your Christmas ornaments and add an optional velvet bow if you would like. I am so happy with how these turned out! 

Minimalist Christmas Decor Brings Serenity

We’ve discovered the beauty in simplicity and the idea that “less is more” can bring a unique serenity to your holiday season. We’ve discussed various aspects of minimalist decorating, from creating a clutter-free ambiance to embracing a calm color palette and incorporating natural elements into your design. 

Whether you’re drawn to the calming allure of minimalist Christmas decor, looking to create a stunning mantel display, design a captivating tablescape, stay on-trend with color choices, or embark on DIY projects, the key is to find joy in the simplicity of the season. 

As you embark on your holiday decorating journey, remember that a minimalist approach to Christmas decor can enhance the magic and serenity of Christmas, making the season bright and beautifully uncluttered.


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You can find all items used in these spaces linked on my Like to Know It page and shop for your own space! We greatly appreciate you shopping our links, as it helps support our small business. Shop our holiday favorites and our favorite flocked trees by clicking the pictures below.

The gorgeous bedroom features a classic board and batten accent wall along with a ceiling treatment.

We always try to find the best deals for our clients and share our finds with you. Make sure to check back for the latest deals and trends.

The post Embrace Simplicity: A Guide to Minimalist Christmas Decor and More appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.

Welcome to the Dark Side: Embracing Dark Wall Treatments for a Luxurious Space https://welcomehomestyling.com/embracing-dark-wall-treatments/ Tue, 31 Oct 2023 17:16:38 +0000 https://welcomehomestyling.com/?p=372454 Welcome Home Styling designers delve into the allure of dark wall treatments, and discuss how they transform a space. Read to learn more!

The post Welcome to the Dark Side: Embracing Dark Wall Treatments for a Luxurious Space appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.


In the ever-evolving world of interior design, trends come and go, but few have made as enduring an impact as the embrace of dark wall treatments. The “Dark Side” offers a luxurious, sophisticated twist to the traditional concept of home aesthetics.

With deep, moody hues, these spaces come to life in ways that are both elegant and dramatic. In this blog, we will delve into the allure of dark wall treatments, and discuss how they transform a space.

Embracing Dark Colors


I know the “light, bright and airy” design aesthetic has been the star of the show in recent trends, but we are living for the DRAMA that comes with dark & moody spaces. The use of dark wall treatments in interior design has gained popularity in recent years, and it continues to be a favored choice among homeowners and designers.

This trend is characterized by the use of deep, rich, and often bold colors on walls, which can include dark shades of black, navy blue paint, dark green and teal paint, charcoal gray paint, and even dark purples and browns. Let’s dive into some key reasons behind the popularity of this design trend.

Sophistication: Dark wall treatments exude an air of elegance and sophistication. They can create a sense of luxury in any space. This is particularly true in areas like living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms, where such a style can feel opulent and cozy.

Mood and Ambiance: Dark walls can set the mood and ambiance of a room. These colors often bring a sense of coziness, intimacy, and warmth. They are perfect for creating a relaxed and inviting atmosphere in areas where you want to unwind and escape from the outside world.

Contrasting Elements: Dark walls create a striking contrast with lighter elements in the room, such as furniture, artwork, and decorative items. This contrast can make these elements pop and become the focal points of the space. The mix between light and dark can be visually captivating.

Versatility: Contrary to common misconceptions, dark wall treatments are versatile. They can be incorporated into various design styles, from modern and minimalistic to traditional and eclectic. The choice of color, texture, and furnishings can determine the overall style.

Small Spaces: Dark walls can be used to their advantage in smaller spaces. When done right, they can create an illusion of depth and expansiveness, making a small room feel cozier and more intimate rather than cramped.

It’s important to note that while dark wall treatments have many benefits, they may not be suitable for every space or aesthetic preference. Careful consideration of lighting, color selection, and overall design harmony is essential to ensure that dark wall treatments enhance a space rather than make it feel gloomy. When executed thoughtfully, dark walls can be a stunning and impactful design choice, offering a unique and stylish dimension to interior spaces.


Moody Wall Treatment Options:

Dark Paint

Matte or Eggshell Finishes are popular for dark walls because they provide a non-reflective, velvety texture. They help to absorb light and create a cozy, inviting atmosphere.

Satin or Semi-Gloss Finish finishes have a subtle shine and are easier to clean, making them a good choice for dark walls in high-traffic areas like kitchens and bathrooms.

This dark brown dining room accent wall was designed by Welcome Home Styling.

Sherwin Williams Black Bean 6006

Welcome Home Styling designed this office space with dark green wall color.

Sherwin Williams Pewter Green 6208

These built-ins are painted the same color from floor to ceiling for the ultimate dark and moody space.

Sherwin Williams Stillwater 6223

Design by Welcome Home Styling

Sherwin Williams Stillwater 6223

These clients loooove the drama and we are here for it. As you can see in this dark and moody office space, we chose a monochromatic look by painting the walls, built-in, trim work, and ceiling all in the same color. However, you can tell that we used a different paint finish for the trim work to give it some nice subtle contrast against the walls.

If you want to talk about a showstopper, check out their exterior! While it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, we love when clients opt to do something out of the norm.

Our client wanted something bold and we opted for this dark monochromatic exterior paint color for their home.

Dark Wallpaper

Dark Patterned Wallpaper: Dark wallpapers with intricate or bold patterns can be particularly striking. They create a focal point in the room and can be used to achieve various design styles, from traditional to contemporary.

Textured Wallpaper: Textured wallpaper adds a tactile element to dark walls, making the space feel richer and more inviting. It can also mimic materials like fabric, grasscloth, or wood.

This bathroom uses a dark patterned wallpaper to give a sophisticated touch.
This powder room is accented with a dark tropical wallpaper and wood paneling wall treatment.
This bathroom has wood paneling halfway up the walls that is painted a dark blue . The other half of the wall uses a printed wallpaper that matches the blue wall below.

If you can’t bring yourself to commit to doing a large living space in a dark color, try dipping your toes in the water by doing a fun powder bath! It’s a great way to ease your way into the dark side and express your creativity.


Textured Finishes


Venetian Plaster: Venetian plaster is a traditional finish that can be applied to create a polished, marble-like texture on dark walls. It adds depth and a luxurious feel to the space.

Welcome Home Styling designed this living room with a marble like venetian plaster texture behind the fireplace.

Brick or Stone Veneer: Dark walls can be achieved by using brick or stone veneer, which provides a rustic and industrial aesthetic. These materials are particularly popular in urban loft-style designs.

Wood Paneling: Dark wood paneling, such as wainscoting or shiplap, can be used to create an elegant and timeless dark wall treatment. The natural texture and warmth of the wood enhance the overall design.

This Board and Batten wood paneling extends halfway up the wall and is painted a dark green color. The rest of the wall is in a neutral beige.

Sherwin Williams Thunderous 6201

This timeless master bedroom accent wall gives the room a focal point.

Benjamin Moore Alexandria Beige HC-77

Wall Tiles: Dark wall tiles, particularly in mosaic or subway patterns, can create a stunning dark wall treatment. They are commonly used in bathrooms and kitchens but can also be applied in other areas for a bold design statement.

This dark scallop tile was used in the design for this new bathroom.
This stunning dark tile makes a statement in the master bathroom.
These dark tiles were used behind the fireplace as an accent wall between these two built-in shelving units on either side.
These beautiful dark tiles make the perfect backsplash for the wet bar. The wet bar features dark wood cabinets and lighter wood open shelving near the top.

Overall, dark wall treatments have the power to transform a space by creating a cozy, inviting atmosphere and enhancing the overall design. Their ability to make other colors and elements pop adds an exciting visual dynamic to the room.

When chosen thoughtfully and combined with the right decor and lighting, dark wall colors can provide a sense of comfort, elegance, and individuality in your home.

Making a Room Look Larger

The gorgeous bedroom features a classic board and batten accent wall along with a ceiling treatment.

The perception of a room’s size can be influenced by the choice of paint colors, including darker shades. Understanding the principles of how a room can appear larger or smaller based on paint color is essential in interior design.

Focal Point: Contrary to common belief, dark wall colors can be used strategically to create a focal point in a room. When one wall is painted in a dark color, it can draw the eye, creating a sense of depth and making the space appear more extensive.

Contrast: The contrast between a dark accent wall and lighter surrounding walls can add depth and dimension. This contrast can trick the eye into perceiving the room as larger by creating a sense of expansiveness.

Reflection: While dark colors do absorb light, they can also reflect some light when complemented with appropriate lighting. For example, the combination of dark walls and well-placed light fixtures can create a more dynamic environment that makes the room feel larger.

Visual Expansion: When dark walls are paired with light-colored furnishings and accessories, the contrast enhances the sense of space. The contrast between dark and light elements can visually expand the room and make it feel more open.

Ceiling and Trim Colors: The use of the same dark color on all surfaces results in a high degree of uniformity and continuity. This can make the room feel seamless, and free from visual distractions that might be present with a mix of colors.

A room with all surfaces in the same dark paint color can have a striking and dramatic effect. It can be used to create a sense of mystery, luxury, or sophistication, depending on the choice of color and decor.

This beautiful home bar features dark, sophisticated walls.

Sherwin Williams Thunderous 6201

This moody dark office is the perfect backdrop for Zoom calls.

Sherwin Williams Gale Force 7605


In summary, the perception of a room’s size when painted in darker colors is not solely determined by the color itself but by how it is used and combined with other elements in the room.

Dark wall colors can make a room feel cozier and more intimate when applied uniformly, which can be ideal for creating a sense of warmth and comfort in spaces like bedrooms and libraries. However, they can also make a room look larger when used strategically, such as with accent walls, thoughtful lighting, and contrast with lighter elements. It’s all about considering the specific design goals and spatial effects you want to achieve in your space.


Dark Wall Treatments Are Here to Stay


As our journey into the world of dark wall treatments comes to a close, it’s evident that the allure of the “Dark Side” is not merely a trend; it’s an enduring design that stands the test of time. The richness and drama it brings to your space, the way it captures the essence of luxury, and its ability to make light and colors pop, all contribute to its appeal.

Whether you seek a cozy retreat or a luxurious showcase, embracing dark wall treatments allows you to elevate your space to new heights of elegance and style. So, the next time you contemplate a room’s transformation, don’t shy away from the dark; embrace it with open arms, and let its enchantment unfold in your own home.

The post Welcome to the Dark Side: Embracing Dark Wall Treatments for a Luxurious Space appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.

Accent Wall Design: The Do’s and Don’ts https://welcomehomestyling.com/accent-wall-design-the-dos-and-donts/ Tue, 17 Oct 2023 17:32:19 +0000 https://welcomehomestyling.com/?p=372324 An accent wall can add timeless style. Our designers give you the do’s and dont’s of accent walls in our latest blog.

The post Accent Wall Design: The Do’s and Don’ts appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.


This week we are diving deep into the world of accent walls—a powerful design element that can transform your space. In this post, we’ll explore the key elements of accent wall design, sharing the do’s and don’ts to help you achieve a stunning result.

We’ll discuss the age-old debate of DIY versus professional installation, helping you make an informed choice that aligns with your vision and capabilities. And, of course, we’ll keep you up-to-date with the latest trends in accent wall design, ensuring your space remains both stylish and timeless.

Whether you’re considering a bold new feature wall or looking to refresh an existing one, join us as we embark on this journey of creativity and inspiration. Your accent wall adventure begins here!

Accent Walls 101


It’s a question we’re asked from time to time, “Are accent walls out of style?” Accent walls are far from being out of style; in fact, they continue to be a popular and versatile design choice in modern interior decor. Wall treatments provide an excellent opportunity to infuse personality and character into a room, making it stand out and reflect the homeowner’s taste.

Whether it’s through paint colors, subtle touches, or eye-catching patterns, accent walls remain an effective means of creating focal points and visual interest in a space. The key to keeping accent walls fresh and contemporary is to stay updated with current design trends and experiment with innovative materials and color palettes that resonate with your personal style. If you’re looking to revitalize your spaces, consider an accent wall as a timeless design element.


Paint Finishes

Before we can discuss accent wall decoration, it’s good to have a basic understanding of paint finishes. Paint finishes or “sheen” refers to the level of gloss or shine in a paint finish. Different sheens have distinct characteristics and are suited for various purposes.

Flat sheen has the lowest level of gloss, appearing entirely matte and non-reflective. It has a smooth, velvety appearance. Flat sheen is excellent for hiding surface imperfections, such as minor cracks, bumps, and patches, as it doesn’t reflect light that could emphasize flaws.

It is forgiving when it comes to touch-ups since it doesn’t produce a noticeable sheen difference between old and new paint. Flat paint is often used on ceilings and walls in low-traffic areas like bedrooms, living rooms, and dining rooms. Due to its low reflectivity, flat paint minimizes glare, making it suitable for spaces with many windows or bright light.

Matte sheen has a slight hint of shine compared to flat but still offers a non-reflective, velvety finish. It’s a bit more durable than flat paint. Matte is suitable for walls in areas with moderate traffic, such as hallways, entryways, and bedrooms.

It’s relatively easy to clean compared to flat paint, making it a good choice for areas prone to occasional splashes or smudges. Matte is often chosen for its elegant, sophisticated appearance, offering a subtle sheen without being overly glossy.

Satin sheen has a noticeable but gentle sheen, which is more reflective than flat or matte finishes. It has a smooth, soft appearance. Satin sheen is durable and easy to clean, making it suitable for high-traffic areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and children’s bedrooms.

It’s more resistant to moisture and humidity than flat or matte finishes, making it ideal for spaces prone to splashes and moisture, like bathrooms. Satin provides a subtle reflective quality, which can enhance the appearance of architectural details while still being relatively forgiving of imperfections. Some homeowners use satin sheen for trim, moldings, and doors to create a visual contrast with flat or matte walls.

Each paint sheen serves a specific purpose, so it’s important to consider your project’s requirements and your aesthetic preferences when choosing the right one. Additionally, some paint manufacturers may have variations in sheen levels, so it’s advisable to sample and test the paint before making your final decision.


DIY vs. Professional: Creating a Stunning Accent Wall


When it comes to creating a stunning bedroom accent wall, the choice between a DIY project and hiring a professional interior designer can significantly impact the outcome.

Going the DIY route can be immensely satisfying, offering a chance for personal creativity and cost savings. It allows homeowners to fully express their unique vision, select materials within their budget, and control the entire process. However, it also comes with challenges such as the need for skill in painting or installing materials, potential time-consuming mistakes, and the absence of a professional’s expert touch.

On the other hand, hiring a professional interior designer ensures a polished and cohesive result. Designers bring years of experience, access to a wide array of resources, and an eye for detail to the project. We can help you choose the perfect color scheme, materials, and layout, while also managing the project efficiently. The peace of mind that comes with knowing your wall decorations will be expertly executed and last for years is well worth the investment.

Here is a look behind the scenes of what goes into a professional accent wall design. This client wanted a dark and moody picture molding treatment for their master bedroom that accommodated their existing furniture. We added new bedside mirrors and lamps and gave them the flexibility to hang a large piece over their bed later down the road.

First, we always map out what design we want to achieve, ensuring to take into consideration furniture they would like to keep. Once we knew the dimensions accommodated everything needed, then we started working on coloring and visuals to present to the client.

Our client decided on this custom picture frame molding, painted in Sherwin Williams Darkroom.
Once we had the vision finalized, we reached out to our favorite carpenters to make this concept a reality. Having the dimensions already mapped out for the contractor ensures there is no miscommunication and that the vision is executed to a T. We are obsessed with how this turned out – what do you think?

This is the dimensions we mapped out for this accent wall that we provide to the carpenters.
This is a 3d rendering of the accent wall in the bedroom that we designed for our client.
This moody bedroom accent wall was designed by Welcome Home Styling.

Sherwin Williams: Darkroom, Satin Sheen

Ultimately, the choice between DIY and professional assistance depends on your budget, time, and comfort level with DIY projects.Each option offers its own set of benefits and challenges

DIY Wall Treatments


If you are up for the challenge of DIY but unsure of what design you want, we have you covered. Check out these feature wall mockups of our favorite picture frame molding treatments to help give you some inspiration that you can tailor to your own space!

Selecting the best wall for an accent wall in a home involves considering several factors to achieve the desired aesthetic and functionality. Here’s how you can determine the best wall for an accent wall:

Focal Point: Choose a wall that naturally serves as a focal point in the room. This is typically the wall that draws the most attention when entering the space. It could be the one with a fireplace, a large window, or the wall behind the main piece of furniture like a bed in a bedroom or a sofa in a living room.

Architectural Features: Look for walls with architectural features that can be enhanced by an accent wall. This might include walls with interesting moldings, niches, built-in shelving, or unique angles. The accent wall can highlight these features and make them stand out.

Balanced Symmetry: Consider the overall balance and symmetry of the room. If the room has an asymmetrical layout or too many competing focal points, choosing the wall that helps create visual balance can be a good strategy.

Contrast: The accent wall should contrast with the other walls in terms of color, texture, or pattern. This helps it stand out and make a statement.

Room Size: In smaller rooms, consider choosing the wall opposite the entry point, as it can visually expand the space. In larger rooms, you may want to select the wall that you’d like to make cozier or more intimate.

Personal Preference: Ultimately, your personal preferences and the mood you want to create in the room play a significant role. Choose a wall that resonates with your style and complements the overall design of the room.

Determining the best wall for an accent wall involves a careful evaluation of the room’s layout, architectural elements, lighting, and personal preferences. By considering these factors, you can select the wall that enhances the overall aesthetics and functionality of your space.

Renderings of wall treatment options for accent walls.
Renderings of feature wall treatments.

Accent Walls with Windows


A big question that we are asked is “Can accent walls have windows?” The answer is YES, accent walls can have windows. In fact, windows are often found on accent walls, and the presence of windows can impact the design and treatment of the wall, especially with regard to trim pieces. Here are some considerations for accent walls with windows:

Window Trim: The trim around the window, such as casing and sill, should coordinate with the design of the accent wall. You can choose to paint or stain the trim in a color that complements the accent wall or choose a contrasting color to make the window stand out.

Window Coverings: The choice of window coverings can also play a significant role in how the accent wall is perceived. You can use curtains, blinds, or shades that match the accent wall’s color or pattern to create a cohesive look. Alternatively, you can opt for window treatments that contrast with the wall to draw attention to the window area.

Wall Treatment Transition: If the accent wall features a different wall treatment (e.g., a different paint color, wallpaper, or texture) from the other walls in the room, you’ll need to plan the transition around the window. This can involve using a straight line at the edge of the window or incorporating a design element like a chair rail or wainscoting to separate the treatments.

Balance: The key to a successful design is achieving balance. If the accent wall is bold and attention-grabbing, you may want to keep the window treatment and trim more understated to maintain a harmonious look in the room. On the other hand, if the accent wall is more subdued, you can use the window area as a focal point by using bolder trim and window treatments.

Accent walls with windows offer design opportunities to create a visually appealing and cohesive space. The key is to coordinate the treatment of the window area with the accent wall while keeping a sense of balance and harmony in the room’s overall design. See below for some great examples of wall treatments we’ve done that incorporate windows.

accent walls with window renderings
Welcome Home styling designed this dark green accent wall to blend seamlessly with the homes modern coastal style.

Sherwin Williams: Mediterranean, Walls Matte Sheen, Trim Details Satin

Welcome Home styling designed this dark green accent wall to blend seamlessly with the homes modern coastal style.
These wall treatment kits are DIY and approved by Welcome Home Styling.

 Accent Walls for Families with Children 


When choosing accent walls for a family with children, there are several factors to consider to create a comfortable, and child-friendly environment. Here are some considerations and why they are important:

Washability: Children are prone to creating messes, whether it’s through spills, scribbles, or smudges. Choose a paint that is washable, making it easier to clean off dirt and stains without damaging the paint finish.

Maintenance: Consider the long-term maintenance of the accent wall. Murals or elaborate designs may be appealing, but they might require more upkeep and may need to be changed as your children grow and their interests evolve.

By taking these factors into account, you can create an environment that is both aesthetically pleasing and child-friendly.

Alternative Wall Treatments Throughout Your Home

There is a common misconception that accent walls are only acceptable in a bedroom and we are here to squash that myth. While accent walls behind the bed are a common and visually impactful choice, there are no hard and fast rules dictating their placement.

Accent walls can be installed on any wall in a room, depending on your design goals and preferences. A few alternative placements for wall decorations:

  • Ceiling Treatment
  • Fireplace Surrounds
  • Hallway Treatments
  • Dining Room Treatments

Checkout some of our favorite ceiling treatments:

The gorgeous bedroom features a classic board and batten accent wall along with a ceiling treatment.
This ceiling treatment is painted the same color as the ceiling but creates a visually impactful hallway space.
This ceiling treatment adds fun visual appeal to this bonus bunk bed room.

Do’s and Don’ts for a Timeless Feature Wall


Do: Stay Away from Overly Trendy Patterns – While trendy patterns can be appealing at the moment, they often go out of style quickly. Instead, opt for classic board and batten accent wall, or picture molding that has stood the test of time.

A board and batten feature wall lends an air of timeless elegance to this transitional styled master bedroom.

Sherwin Williams: Peppercorn, Satin Sheen

 This master bedroom accent wall adds character and visual appeal to this wall.

Benjamin Moore: Alexandria Beige, Satin Sheen


Do: Choose Neutral Colors – Bold and bright colors on walls can become dated faster than neutral tones. Neutral colors like whites, creams, grays, and muted tones are more versatile and can adapt to changing styles with the use of accessories and furnishings.

This beautiful transitional bedroom includes a picture frame molding feature wall.

Sherwin Williams: Illusive Green, Satin Sheen

Spice up your walls with classic touches like this picture frame molding used in the bedroom accent wall.

Do: Balance Bold and Subtle – We LOVE a dark and moody room – However, if you choose a bold color or pattern, be sure to balance it with more subtle elements in the room. This can help prevent the room from feeling overwhelming and allow for easier updates in the future.

Welcome Home Styling’s team of interior designers designed this gorgeous living room accent wall to be the focal point of the room.

Sherwin Williams: Caviar, Satin Sheen

This dining room accent wall adds a hint of luxury and warmth to the room.

Sherwin Williams: Black Bean, Satin Sheen

Don’t: Use Excessive Shiplap – Shiplap accent walls and other wood paneling can create a cozy, rustic look, but overuse or applying it to every wall can make a space feel outdated. Use it sparingly… Sorry Joanna …we still love you!


This dark blue accent wall features two windows on either side of the bed, creating the perfect balance of symmetry.

Sherwin Williams: Peppercorn, Matte Sheen

Do: Mind Scale and Proportion – Ensure that the scale of your wall treatments is appropriate for the room. Large, dramatic designs can overwhelm small spaces, while tiny patterns may get lost in large rooms.

Do: Think Twice About Textured Paint – While textured paint can add depth to a wall, it can also make a room feel dated. Opt for smoother finishes that are easier to maintain and adapt to different decor styles.

Do: Regularly Update Accessories – Even if you have a timeless wall treatment, the accessories in the room can impact its overall feel. Keep your decor flexible by updating furnishings, artwork, and textiles to stay in tune with current styles.

Remember that the key to keeping your wall treatments from looking dated is to strike a balance between personal style and timeless design principles. Consider how different elements work together within your space and be open to making updates as your tastes evolve.

Timeless Accent Walls are a Tasteful Addition


When it comes to creating stunning accent walls, there are several key takeaways to consider. It’s crucial to keep in mind the do’s and don’ts to ensure that your accent wall remains a timeless and tasteful addition to your space.

Staying informed about current accent wall trends is essential for those who want to remain ahead in the world of interior design. Trends evolve over time, and while classic wall treatments endure, there are always fresh ideas to consider. 

In the end, the key to a successful feature wall lies in finding the perfect balance between timeless design principles, personal creativity, and staying attuned to the ever-changing world of interior design trends. Whether you choose to embark on a DIY project or enlist the expertise of a professional, your accent wall can become a stunning focal point that enhances the beauty and personality of your living space.

The post Accent Wall Design: The Do’s and Don’ts appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.

Fall Porch Decorations: Welcoming the Season with Style https://welcomehomestyling.com/fall-porch-decorations-welcoming-the-season-in-style/ Mon, 25 Sep 2023 19:32:53 +0000 https://welcomehomestyling.com/?p=372263 Fall porch decorations create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Our designers show you how to decorate your porch for Fall with style.

The post Fall Porch Decorations: Welcoming the Season with Style appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.


Fall is a magical time of the year when the leaves change colors, the air becomes crisp, and the smell of pumpkin spice seems to be everywhere. Fall porch decorations can create a warm and inviting atmosphere for both you and your guests. In this blog post, we’ll explore key points on how to decorate your porch for Fall.

Choose a Cozy Color Palette

Embrace warm and earthy colors like deep oranges, rich reds, warm browns, and muted yellows. You can incorporate these colors into your porch decor through items like throw pillows for your outdoor seating, pumpkins, decorative wreaths, or welcome mats. You can even find planters that have an orange color and of course black works!

My front porch features a cozy color palette, faux heirloom pumpkins, and a layered welcome mat

Fall Porch Decor Ideas that Add to Your Curb Appeal


Fall wreaths are a staple for outside Fall decorations during the autumn season. They not only provide a warm and inviting welcome but also set the tone for the entire aesthetic of your porch. Fall wreaths often feature elements such as dried leaves, faux pumpkins , or acorns which definitely give that “Fall” feeling.

Whether you decide to DIY your own, or purchase in store, you want to coordinate your wreath and your Fall porch decor to ensure that the colors compliment your large statement pieces.

Designer Tip:

Proper hanging technique for your wreaths include hanging the center of the wreath at eye level or slightly higher. Use a sturdy wreath hook or an over-the-door hook to keep it secured. There are also extenders for tall doors.

Check out some of our favorite wreaths below!

Fall wreaths are a go to Fall decor item

One of the simplest, yet most effective ways to get that cozy fall porch is to layer your welcome mat. Start with a simple base mat to be the foundation of your layered look. Place a smaller welcome mat on top of your base mat. The top mat will be used as people are walking in and out, so you want to make sure it’s durable.

The base mat for your layered look should be larger and slightly wider than your door frame and should create a border around your smaller decorative top mat. The top mat should be centered on the base mat and ideally about ⅔ of the base mat size.

Don’t be afraid to play around with different textures here! The contrast in textures creates a tactic experience and adds depth to your front door. While aesthetics are important, make sure to prioritize function and safety. Ensure that both mats lay completely flat and do not create a tripping hazard.

Keep in mind that you can adapt this layer technique for various seasons. Consider swapping out your top mat to suit the time of year, whether you are decorating for Thanksgiving, Halloween, or Christmas.

A sekection of fall welcome mats that make perfect porch decorations.

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice


Pumpkins are a quintessential fall decoration. The key to decorating with pumpkins is to mix and match sizes. Combine small, medium, and large pumpkins to create visual interest and balance. You can play around with different heights or shapes as long as there is some balance to them. 

Faux pumpkins come in a variety of colors and textures. We recommend opting for a traditional orange, muted greens, muted yellows, and whites  This has become my go-to here in Florida because pumpkins do not last long in the heat! Investing in large fake pumpkins for outside has saved me money (cause every year I love buying the heirloom pumpkins) and time (not having to clean them in hopes they will last and then throw them out once they have rotted). 

Another way to give visual interest is to stagger your pumpkin clusters on your porch steps. Don’t worry about symmetry! Asymmetrical pumpkin stacking looks better and feels more “organic.” You can also add in other elements such as corn stalks, hay bales , or fresh mums for extra charm. 

An asymmetrical stack of faux pumpkins gives your front porch a warm Fall welcome.
bales of hay are classic fall decorations for a front porch.

Warm and Inviting Lighting


As the days get shorter, consider adding cozy lighting to your porch. String lights, lanterns, or candle-lit lanterns create a welcoming ambiance and are a staple of Fall porch decorations

String lights are versatile and a popular choice for outside Fall decorations as they can be hung along a patio ceiling, fence, or posts. We recommend choosing warm white or amber bulbs to enhance the Fall atmosphere. 

Lanterns are a great way to add a touch of ambient lighting and character. Applying the same rules with your pumpkins, you want to have a variation in height to create depth and visual interest. To take your lanterns to the next level, add in large battery operated candles that flicker to mimic the look of a real flame. Plus, these faux candles will last longer and you don’t have to worry about the wax! 

Decorating with Fall pumpkins
Fall lanterns complete the look of this outdoor living room.

Spooky Season 

Building on the foundation of your existing Fall porch decor to incorporate Halloween elements can be a fun and seamless transition from a Fall-themed porch to a Halloween-themed one. 

Add in spooky accents such as spiders, faux cobwebs, bats, and crows to your fall-themed porch to give them a fresh look. In addition to your existing pumpkins, try adding in some black jack-o-lanterns or ghostly gourds. 

To add ambient lighting to your spooky set up, try including some fun “floating” black candles  and a  smoking cauldron.  

Spooky spiders are perfect fall Halloween decorations for your porcg
spooky halloween front porch decor

Remember the layered rug technique we talked about for Fall? Let’s add a little bit of spice for a Halloween porch. Check out these great rug options we’ve been dying over  and remember…stay spooky.

A selection of some of our favorite Halloween welcome mats

Maintaining a Cohesive Theme


Maintaining a cohesive theme is essential for creating aesthetically pleasing and harmonious Fall porch decorations. A unified theme or color scheme allows your decor to have a more significant impact and conveys your Fall look effectively. 

Balance the decorative elements to avoid cluttering your porch or making the space feel chaotic, every inch of your porch does not need to have a decor item – not all empty space is a bad thing.

Celebrate the Season With Fall Porch Decorations

Blending Fall and Halloween porch decor is a delightful way to celebrate the changing seasons and embrace the spooky spirit of Halloween. By combining the warm and cozy elements of autumn with the playful and eerie elements of Halloween, you can create a fall porch that welcomes both the beauty of Fall and the excitement of the holiday.

Throughout this blog, we’ve explored various Fall porch decor ideas and tips to help you achieve the perfect blend of Fall and Halloween decor for your porch.

Whether it’s incorporating traditional Fall elements like pumpkins, hay bales, and autumn foliage, or adding spooky touches like witches, ghosts, and skeletons, there are endless possibilities to express your creativity.

Remember to consider your personal style and preferences when reviewing these Fall decorating ideas for outside. Whether you prefer a more rustic and natural look or a full-on haunted house vibe, the key is to have fun and let your imagination run wild. Don’t be afraid to mix and match colors, textures, and themes to create a unique and inviting space that reflects your personality.

Happy decorating!

For more style and decor finds shop our Like To Know It page. 

The post Fall Porch Decorations: Welcoming the Season with Style appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.

Fall Decorating: Fall in Love with Your Space https://welcomehomestyling.com/fall-decorating-fall-in-love-with-your-space/ Fri, 01 Sep 2023 18:29:33 +0000 https://welcomehomestyling.com/?p=372230 Whether you’re enjoying those last few bits of summer or you’re already in full on Fall decorating mode, the official start of Fall is just right around the corner. Many of our clients ask, “How do I blend Fall decor with my existing home decor style?”

The post Fall Decorating: Fall in Love with Your Space appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.


Whether you’re enjoying those last few bits of summer or you’re already in full on Fall decorating mode, the official start of Fall is just right around the corner. Many of our clients ask, “How do I blend Fall decor with my existing home decor style?” Not to worry! Creating a beautiful space decorated for the Autumn season can be done – no matter your home’s interior design style. 

In this blog we’ll teach you our best Fall home decorating tips and tricks that you can use to create the perfect space to celebrate the season and FALL in love with your home again. 

Coastal Modern Fall Decor Ideas

If you have a coastal modern aesthetic, you can incorporate sandy beige, whites, and browns with touches of black accents. These colors can be brought in through your pillows, blankets, and decorative objects throughout your space. 

This is a great opportunity to pull out a cozy knit neutral blanket to replace your everyday throw. If you are a pumpkin decor fanatic like me, try and opt for woven, white, or even dusty blue pumpkins instead of traditional orange pumpkins. 

Switch out your fresh or faux greenery with pampas grass, dried palms or bunny tail stems for the season! These are quick and easy ways to transition into Fall without disrupting your existing style. 

Entertaining family and friends over the holidays? Think about elevating your tablescapes with woven charger plates and colored glassware. Sprinkle in some bud vases of seasonal stems and candle sticks for mood lighting for a look that will really WOW your guests. 

A collection of items to decorate a coastal modern home for Fall.

Transitional Home Fall Decorating Tips


Does your style lean towards a transitional aesthetic? There are some great ways to elevate your Fall home decor by making a few thoughtful changes. 

Opt for dark warm neutrals like deep browns, rich burgundies, and burnt oranges with touches of brass accents. Replace your vases filled with summery greens with stems in  Fall shades of yellow, orange, and plum.

Accent colors can be brought in through a variety of different ways such as your throw pillows, candle sticks, frames or decorative objects. These colors not only reflect the changing foliage outdoors but also bring a sense of vibrancy to indoor spaces.

Faux stems are a great option as they remain vibrant throughout the season, requiring minimal maintenance while offering long-lasting charm. They also make a perfect Fall centerpiece that is reusable.

To make a large impact on your holiday tablescapes, you really want to make the place settings pop. For a transitional vibe, you can achieve this by incorporating wooden or burgundy charger plates paired with a complimentary linen napkin and napkin ring. We love the details on these napkins and rings from Pottery Barn. These little details will have a large impact and leave a last impression on your guests.

a collection of items for fall decorating a trasitional home.
Transitional Home Fall Decor items

Fall Throw Pillows


Swapping out your everyday throw pillows for Fall throw pillows is always one of the easiest ways to change the look of a room, and to add a seasonal touch. Neutral tones allow an effortless transition from season to season, preventing you from needing to switch your core style. 

For a coastal modern fall style, try using your existing neutral-colored pillows, and pair them with a woven, brown, or fall-patterned pillow for an effortless transition. 

For a transitional fall style, you can get away with some deeper colors like shades of brown, burnt orange, and burgundy.

Many of our clients stress over pillow combinations. We recommend starting with a larger neutral base pillow and layer smaller textured Fall-inspired pillows to create depth and dimension. For a standard-size sofa, we recommend a combination of 22” and 20” square pillows or 20” and 18” square pillows. 

With sectionals, we highly recommend a combination of 22” and 20” square pillows plus one 14×20 lumbar pillow for the corner seat. 

Designer Tip:

Always size up your pillow insert for a plump, designer look. If you have a 22” pillow cover, size up to a 24” insert. 

Fall decorating pillow combinations

Fall Throw Blankets


Opt for chunky knit blankets, faux fur throws, or woven fabrics with interesting patterns. These textures not only add visual interest but also invite touch, creating a multisensory experience that brings feelings of comfort and coziness. 

Running your fingers over the intricate weaves of a chunky knit blanket or nestling into the softness of faux fur can be a soothing sensory experience, making your space feel even more inviting. As the temperatures begin to drop, the need for warmth and comfort becomes imperative. 

A Fall throw blanket draped over a sofa or armchair provides an extra layer, allowing you to snuggle up and enjoy your space without feeling chilly. The weight of a quality throw blanket provides a sense of security and comfort, making it perfect for curling up on a cool Fall evening. Nothing says Fall quite like curling up with a chunky knit blanket by the fire with a good book.

decorating a bedroom for Fall
Fall throw blanket selections

And of Course, Pumpkin Decor!


Pumpkins are iconic symbols of the Fall season, and incorporating them into your decor is a delightful way to celebrate the changing leaves and cooler weather. Whether you’re a fan of the traditional orange pumpkin decor or you’re drawn to the trend of neutral and muted tones, there are endless creative possibilities to explore. 

If you have a  transitional style, the classic pumpkin is not a bad way to go – try switching it up by adding in hues of brown and gold tones for a timeless Fall look! 

There are SO many neutral pumpkin decor options out there now which is a great alternative to the classic orange pumpkin vibe. Subdued shades of white, cream, beige, and rattan offer a more sophisticated and versatile approach. This is the route we recommend going with if you have a Modern Coastal style.

Pumpkins, regardless of their color, offer versatile styling opportunities. They can be used as Fall centerpieces for tablescapes, scattered decoratively on coffee tables, or placed artfully on entryway tables to welcome guests. Mix and match different pumpkin sizes, textures, and colors to create dynamic displays that capture the essence of Fall. Incorporating other natural elements such as leaves, acorns, and pinecones further enrich the arrangement.

Decorating with Fall pumpkins
Fall home entryway decorating
Decorating a dinning room for Fall

Dried Flowers, Grasses, and Fall Stems 


While this is true with all seasons, it feels especially important during the Fall season to bring the beautiful natural elements of the outdoors into your home. 

Fall home decor is known for its rich and earthy color palette – the deep oranges, warm browns, rustic reds, and golden yellows. By incorporating natural elements like dried grasses, you’re not only introducing intriguing textures but also embracing colors that resonate with the season’s vibrant foliage. 

These colors infuse your space with a cozy and inviting atmosphere, making it a true sanctuary during the cooler months.

Dried grasses, pampas, and dried palms have a sculptural quality that adds visual drama to your Fall decor. They create dynamic lines and heights, allowing you to craft eye-catching arrangements that draw attention and intrigue.

Check out some of our favorite Fall stems below.

Fall stems for home decorating

Fall Table Decor & Dining Room Decorations


There is nothing we love more than a beautiful dining table with a Fall centerpiece or tablescape. This is a great way to create an inviting space for your family and guests to gather around the table and make memories that will last a lifetime. 

For this Fall table decor arrangement we started with a striped neutral table runner, and added in complimentary plates with linen napkins, colored glassware, battery operated candle sticks, and an assortment of grasses and greenery to bring some color. 

We added in some varying height tapered candles for mood lighting and to play off of the existing black accents throughout the home to give a cohesive look. 

Fall table decorations by Welcome Home Styling
Fall table decorating

Celebrate Fall in Style


There are many different ways to incorporate Fall decorations in your home without disrupting your existing home decor. Simple changes such as swapping out old pillow covers for Fall pillow covers, adding cozy Fall throws in luxurious textures, and adding new Fall stems to your vases can make a large impact with minimal change. 

You may even have some of these items around your house that you can repurpose. Using items such as charger plates, runners, and linen napkins can elevate your dining tablescape as well, leaving your guests with a lasting impression. 

We hope these tips and tricks help you get ready for the change of season. Be sure to follow along for more tips and tricks –  happy Fall decorating


Fall Decorating – Shop This Post


You can find all items used in these spaces linked on my Like to Know It page and shop for your own space! We greatly appreciate you shopping our links, as it  helps support our small business. 

We always try to find the best deals for our clients and share our finds with you. Make sure to check back for the latest deals and trends. 

The post Fall Decorating: Fall in Love with Your Space appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.

The Color Palette of Modern Coastal Design https://welcomehomestyling.com/the-color-palette-of-modern-coastal-design/ Wed, 02 Aug 2023 22:00:01 +0000 https://welcomehomestyling.com/?p=372193 Our Modern Coastal interior design team shows you how transform your home into a serene escape with the right paint colors.

The post The Color Palette of Modern Coastal Design appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.


Paint colors have the power to transform a space and set the mood. In a Modern Coastal home, the right paint colors can bring beachy vibes indoors and create a serene and relaxing ambiance. 

Something as simple as the wall color can play a huge role in designing a successful space. That’s because walls are one of the largest, if not the largest, structures in the space, and the color can make or break your room. Creating a harmonious Modern Coastal color palette of soft neutrals, serene blues, and warm earthy tones is a crucial part of Modern Coastal design.

 In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the world of Modern Coastal design and explore the must-have colors that will bring coastal charm to your own home. Whether you’re renovating your living room, giving your bedroom a refresh, or looking to infuse a coastal touch into your entire house, we’ve got you covered with the perfect color and design inspiration! So, let the waves of creativity wash over you as we take this Modern Coastal design journey together.

Trending Modern Coastal Paint Colors

For Modern Coastal interiors, Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore both offer a range of soft, soothing colors that will help you achieve your perfect look. We have put together some color pallets to showcase some of our favorite paint color combinations. These colors, when used individually or in combination, can create a beautiful Modern Coastal interior with a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.

 As with any paint selection, it’s essential to consider lighting and other elements in the room to ensure the colors work well together. Always test paint samples in your space to see how they look under different lighting conditions before making a final decision.

Can you create a Modern Coastal bedroom using beige tones and avoiding blues? The answer is YES! 

The result is a serene space with a touch of coastal charm. The color palette used in this space is Sherwin Williams Accessible Beige for the main wall color, and the remaining walls are Sherwin Williams Alabaster.

Designer Tip:

We highly recommend using Samplize.com for paint color samples. These are a zero-mess application of true painted samples that peel and stick to your walls, plus they ship the next day! You can stick them to your walls for a few days, and see them in different lighting throughout the day before making your final decision. 

Before the Welcome Home Styling team redecorated, the primary bedroom was lacking Modern Coastal decor.

Still skeptical? Here is another example of a Modern Coastal space we created using Sherwin Williams Peppercorn, accented with Sherwin Williams Snowbound. 

How to Achieve The Look of Modern Coastal


Incorporate soft, sandy beige, white, and light gray shades for accents and textiles. Opt for sleek and modern furniture with clean lines and minimal ornamentation. Choose pieces in light wood tones or painted in white to complement the coastal vibe.

For the bed frame, a simple upholstered headboard in a neutral fabric can work well. Consider adding a woven rattan chair or a small wicker side table to introduce a coastal touch. Incorporate throw pillows and blankets in sandy beige, cream, or gray to add depth and warmth to the room. 

Introduce some indoor plants to add a fresh and natural element to the room. Plants with green foliage, like snake plants or peace lilies, can complement the neutral color scheme.

Coastal Blue Color Palette

One of our favorite Sherwin Williams coastal blue colors is Sea Salt. It is subtle but brings that extra hint of coastal charm to make the space complete. We featured this color in a guest bathroom, paired with a rattan mirror and a vanity that is giving Bahama shutter vibes. 

In this music room we used Sea Salt in a piano room, paired with Snowbound wainscoting. How you style the space plays a huge role in the perception of the wall color.

If you are looking for a “WOW” factor in your entryway, consider a wall treatment in a darker blue. For this entryway, we opted for Benjamin Moore Storm Cloud. We wanted the wall to be its own statement piece so we kept the table decor to a minimum and brought in touches of that coastal essence with the coral, and greenery stems. 


In this primary bedroom, our clients wanted to keep their contemporary furniture and blend it into a Modern Coastal dream. We found the perfect shade from Benjamin Moore (Mediterranean Teal 2123-10) and added picture frame molding as an accent on the bed wall. A focal point of interest is added by this, and it can be done as a DIY project. The remaining walls are painted with Sherwin Williams Snowbound, which is a great cool white paint color option.

Next, we found a complimentary rug from our favorite designers at Loloi. We used this to tie in the paint color, pillows, and artwork to bring harmony to the room. Repeating materials and colors are crucial to make your space cohesive.  

Once the color palette was determined, natural fibers were brought in to give texture and warmth. A world of difference was made by this woven rattan chandelier from Currey & Co! The rattan was played off with this modern end of bed bench and teak side table for our new sitting area.

Exterior Paint Colors

Incorporating that Modern Coastal design to your home is not limited to the interior. Having a pop of color on your front door can be a subtle yet impactful statement to your home. This client went with Benjamin Moore Smoke for their front door and we love how it looks with the whitewashed brick. The modern house numbers and lanterns really bring this to the next level, creating the perfect combination for a beachside home.

Below is another example of a coastal exterior – without incorporating blue tones! These shutters were painted in Sherwin Williams Uncertain Grey, paired with a body of paint of Sherwin Williams Pure White, and front door finish is Minwax aged oak gel stain to bring in that warmth to complete the look. 

Our Favorite Timeless Modern Coastal Color Palettes

Here are a few of our favorite timeless Modern Coastal Color schemes. These colors are sure to give your home a touch of the beach and will stick around for years to come.

Modern coastal paint colors

Warm Neutrals with Touches of Blue and Green


Westhighland White (Sherwin Williams 7566): A warm and inviting white with a hint of beige, creating a cozy atmosphere in coastal modern interiors.

Natural Choice (Sherwin Williams 7011): A soft, neutral beige that complements coastal décor and provides a soothing backdrop.

Ancient Marble (Sherwin Williams 6162): A subtle and sophisticated greige (a mix of gray and beige) that brings elegance to coastal interiors.

Alabaster (Sherwin Williams 7008): A classic and versatile white with a warm undertone, perfect for creating a light and airy coastal feel.

Pine Frost (Sherwin Williams 7624): A soft and muted green with gray undertones, reminiscent of coastal landscapes.

Proper Gray (Sherwin Williams 6003): A calming gray that pairs well with coastal-inspired accents and furnishings.

City Loft (Sherwin Williams 7631): A light and airy gray with a touch of warmth, evoking a modern coastal aesthetic.

Stardew (Sherwin Williams9138): A tranquil blue-gray that captures the essence of the sea and sky.

Sea Mariner (Sherwin Williams 7615): A rich, deep blue-green that adds depth and drama to coastal interiors. 

Modern Coastal color schemes

Light Hints of Coastal Color


Winsome Gray (Sherwin Williams 6035): A soft and subtle gray with a touch of warmth, providing a calming backdrop for coastal modern interiors.

Rainwashed (Sherwin Williams 6211): A refreshing and tranquil blue-green that brings a coastal vibe to any room.

Olympus White (Sherwin Williams 6253): A light and airy white with a cool undertone, perfect for creating a coastal-inspired space.

Vessel Tidewater (Sherwin Williams6477): A rich and deep blue-green that adds depth and drama to coastal interiors.

Hinting Blue (Sherwin Williams 6519): A light and airy blue with a hint of gray, evoking the serene coastal atmosphere.

Skyline Steel (Sherwin Williams 1015): A cool and contemporary gray with a touch of blue, offering a modern coastal look.

Festoon Aqua (Sherwin Williams 0019): A vibrant aqua that can be used as an accent color to add a pop of coastal charm

Debonair (Sherwin Williams 9139): A deep and moody blue that adds a sense of sophistication to coastal modern interiors.

Color palettes of Coastal Modern Design

Cool Coastal Colors


Chantilly Lace (Benjamin Moore OC-65): A crisp and pure white that provides a clean and timeless backdrop for coastal modern interiors.

Ice Cap (Benjamin Moore 875): A soft and icy blue-gray that brings a refreshing coastal feel to any room.

Lacey Pearl (Benjamin Moore OC-62): A subtle and elegant off-white with a hint of warmth, perfect for creating a serene coastal atmosphere.

Stone White (Benjamin Moore OC-50): A warm and creamy white that adds a touch of coziness to coastal-inspired spaces.

Beach Glass (Benjamin Moore 1564): A soothing and sea-inspired blue-green that captures the essence of the coast.

Early Morning Mist (Benjamin Moore 1528): A soft and misty blue-gray that creates a tranquil ambiance in coastal modern interiors.

Ocean Floor (Benjamin Moore 1630): A deep and rich blue with green undertones, evoking the depth of the ocean in coastal designs.

Normandy (Benjamin Moore 2129-40): A sophisticated and muted gray that complements coastal décor and adds a touch of elegance.

Stone Harbor (Benjamin Moore 2111-50): A versatile and timeless gray-beige that pairs well with coastal-inspired accents and furnishings.

Shoreline Shades


Sweet Spring (Benjamin Moore 1500): A soft and delicate green that brings a touch of springtime freshness to coastal modern interiors.

Alaskan Husky (Benjamin Moore 1479): A cool and contemporary gray with a blue undertone, evoking a calming coastal vibe.

Moonlight White (Benjamin Moore 2143-60): A soft and ethereal white with a touch of warmth, creating a dreamy coastal atmosphere.

Rockport Gray (Benjamin Moore HC-105): A sophisticated and timeless gray with green undertones, ideal for coastal-inspired spaces.

Wind’s Breath (Benjamin Moore OC-24): A versatile and warm neutral with a hint of beige, perfect for creating a cozy coastal ambiance.

Oxford White (Benjamin Moore CC-30): A classic and timeless white with a neutral base, suitable for creating a clean and bright coastal interior.

Van Courtland Blue (Benjamin Moore HC-145): A tranquil and sophisticated blue-gray hue that effortlessly captures the essence of coastal living. With its serene undertones, this versatile color infuses any space with a sense of calm and timeless elegance. 

Providence Blue (Benjamin Moore 1636): Inspired by the serene coastal landscapes, Providence Blue is a refreshing and calming hue that effortlessly captures the essence of the ocean.

Heather Gray (Benjamin Moore 2139-40): A soft and muted gray with purple undertones, adding a sense of serenity to coastal modern interiors.


Perfect Paint Colors for Every Modern Coastal Home


Reflecting on your personal style is an essential aspect when it comes to choosing the perfect paint colors for your modern coastal home. After all, you want your home to reflect your style and sensibilities. Coastal Beach decor can be enhanced by incorporating the right color schemes, which is where our paint color choices come into play.

By embracing the natural elements of the coast and incorporating a light and airy feel through shades of blue and white, you can create a serene retreat. Adding subtle coastal-inspired touches will accentuate the overall ambiance. Have fun exploring the perfect paint colors for your Modern Coastal home, and let your creativity shine through.


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The post The Color Palette of Modern Coastal Design appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.

The Beauty of Modern Coastal Design https://welcomehomestyling.com/the-beauty-of-modern-coastal-design/ Thu, 20 Jul 2023 17:33:54 +0000 https://welcomehomestyling.com/?p=372148 Modern Coastal design is rising in popularity and it's easy to see why. This soothing style can transport you to your own personal coastal escape. Learn how to recreate the look from the Welcome Home Styling team.

The post The Beauty of Modern Coastal Design appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.


Do you ever come home from a long day at work and wish you had booked that vacation to Cancun? Can you picture your feet in the sand, listening to the waves crash in the distance, with a large pina colada in hand? Modern Coastal design creates your own coastal escape at home. No matter how far away you live from the beach, you can capture that same sense of serenity.

Modern Coastal is an interior design style that utilizes soothing colors that mimic the ocean’s hues, natural textures, and clean lines to give your space a sense of order and balance. In this blog, we’ll show you how we implement Modern Coastal design in our client’s homes. We’ll also give you some tips on how you can decorate your home in a Modern Coastal style.

A ceramic vase of magnolia stems and a wooden bowl sit on top a shelf. A painting of the ocean is hung behind the items.

Core Elements of Modern Coastal Design

There are core elements that work together to capture this sophisticated seaside feel. Modern Coastal decor has a contemporary twist. It’s known for using natural fibers and hues of blue, beige, and gray. This color palette mirrors the sea and shoreline to create a calming backdrop in your space. 

Using natural materials is key in coastal decorating. Natural materials bring a touch of nature indoors. Modern Coastal decor incorporates raw or reclaimed wood, rattan, jute, and woven fibers. These natural materials add warmth, and texture, and connect your space with the coastal vibe.  

Modern Coastal is all about clean lines, simplicity, and uncluttered spaces. This creates a sense of order and balance that allows the eye to flow throughout the room. 

Natural light is another crucial element in Modern Coastal design. Large windows, crisp curtains, and skylights maximize the entry of sunlight. These features enhance the bright and airy feel of the space. Light-filled rooms create a refreshing ambiance that mimics the openness of the coast.

This chair has a woven back and dark wood with white beige cushions. The side table is fluted. Both fit into this modern coastal living room.
A light wood cabinet that features a mirror with a black rim, a glass lamp with white shade, a stack of books and a coral statue.

Coastal Design is Trending

As an interior design firm in Jacksonville Florida, we’ve seen the Modern Coastal style increase in popularity. This is one of our most requested design styles. Needless to say, we have a lot of experience using these styling techniques in a multitude of different homes. 

The biggest mistake we see when a client is trying to achieve this look is making it overly “beachy” or nautical-themed. Your natural elements should be statement pieces by themselves. 

Style a Modern Coastal Bedroom

Here’s an example of a Modern Coastal primary bedroom we recently completed. Our clients wanted to keep their contemporary bedroom furniture and blend it into their Modern Coastal dream bedroom. 

First, we looked at different paint colors until we found the perfect shade from Benjamin Moore (Mediterranean Teal 2123-10). We added picture frame molding to accent the wall behind the bed. This adds a focal point of interest and is an easy DIY project.

Next, we found a complimentary rug from our favorite designers at Loloi. We used this coastal decor piece to tie in the paint color, pillows, and artwork to bring harmony to the room. Repeating materials and colors are crucial to make your space cohesive.  

Once we selected the color palette, we added natural fibers to give the room texture and warmth. This woven rattan chandelier from Currey & Co made a world of difference! We played off of the rattan from the chandelier and added this modern end-of-bed bench. The teak side table in the sitting area also provides natural warmth. 

Before the Welcome Home Styling team redecorated, the primary bedroom was lacking Modern Coastal decor.
After the Welcome Home Styling team revamped the room it now appears bright and spacious, with a beautiful dark teal accent wall and Modern Coastal style.

Style a Modern Coastal Living Room

The same clients also asked us to help with their living room. We knew we wanted to add detail to these beautiful 20-foot walls. Picture frame molding painted in Sherwin Williams White Snow (SW 9541) was the perfect trim work for these walls.

Our client tried to incorporate coastal colors in their furniture selection. Their couch was a green-blue but the tone was too cool for this space. To achieve the look they wanted we knew we needed to add colors with warmth. We selected a beautiful caramel leather couch as a replacement. 

The accent pillows on the couch complement the rug. Again, we added natural materials to bring out the coastal vibe. The storage consoles, coffee table, and accent chairs help achieve the Modern Coastal style. 

To give the room that sleek modern look, we incorporated black accents throughout. Take note of the mirror, lamp, vase, and accent chairs.

Living room photo before the Welcome Home Styling Furnished the home.
This space is now a beautifully decorated Modern Coastal living room complete with wall treatments, new furniture, and beautiful coastal decor pieces that catch the eye.

See how much warmth the natural materials brought to this once-monochromatic space. These cosmetic updates made a huge impact and brought this room in line with modern coastal design. 

Style a Modern Coastal Patio

Recently, we helped a client with a backyard remodel. As part of the remodel, the client wanted to decorate the patio in Modern Coastal design. 

It was clear from the start that they were not maximizing the full potential of their outdoor space. Our team carried out spatial planning to ensure the optimal arrangement. With planning, we were able to create an arrangement that allowed for a full-size dining and lounge space! 

These amazing shutter shades to the right side of the patio to give some relief from the Florida sun.  They also bring in the coastal decor vibe to the patio. With the help of our spatial plan, we found the perfect dining table from Pottery Barn. We added a mixture of dining chairs to blend clean lines and woven textures into the space. This beautiful blue outdoor rug added just the right pop of color. 

After we got the dining space squared away, we looked to maximize seating for the lounge space. We selected two sofas and two side chairs from West Elm. Each brought in a unique natural woven texture used in coastal design. We picked a black coffee table to play off of the black dining chairs. Lastly, we added LOTS of greenery to make this space feel like a tropical getaway. 

This picture shows a patio and a couple of plastic yard chairs.
This gorgeous patio space is the perfect spot to sit and enjoy the outdoors. A large wooden table and a mixture of chairs sits on top a colorful rug.
This patio seating area is comprised of two love seats and chairs with a coffee table in the middle. All the furniture gives off a coastal modern vibe.

Get the Look: Modern Coastal Design

If you’re looking to create a coastal space that exudes relaxation and style, we’ve got you covered! Start by incorporating natural textures like jute rugs and woven furniture to capture a beach decor vibe. 

Choose a neutral coastal color palette with pops of blue and green. This mimics the look of the sea and can bring a sense of calm to your space. Let in lots of natural light and enhance that light and airy feeling whenever possible. Remember to repeat materials and colors throughout the space to bring balance and harmony. 

And above all, remember to have fun! Your home is a reflection of your style and sensibilities. It’s fun to revamp your space or change to a new style. 

Welcome Home Styling Knows Coastal Design 

We hope you find this blog inspiring! Modern Coastal design is beautiful style that creates a calming atmosphere. It’s easy to see why it’s so popular right now. 

Incorporating elements of Modern Coastal decor into your home and finding balance can be tricky. If decorating your home in Modern Coastal style is bringing your more stress than serenity, contact Jacksonville, Florida interior design firm Welcome Home Styling for help

The post The Beauty of Modern Coastal Design appeared first on Welcome Home Styling.
